JBEB & E2 Technology Infrastructure Upgrade Project (TIU Phase B)

Part of larger UCSC Telecommunications Infrastructure Improvements (TIU) Phase B. 

For the larger overall project and more information see:  UCSC Telecommuncations Infrastrastructure Upgrade

For new Voice over IP Phones (VoIP), please see:   UCSC VoIP Information

Table of Contents
Work Summary
Frequently Asked Questions about TIU
Construction Schedule
Activities for Construction Planning
Classroom & Lab Schedules to Avoid
Weekly Meeting Notes 

Work Summary

Jack Baskin Engineering Building (JBEB) TIU Project:
Entire building will be rewired with CAT6 network cabling installed from labs, offices to new telcom rooms (TR) located in areas currently occupied by corridor or areas previously assigned to physical plant.   A new main distribution facility (MDF) will be built in the basement that is secure from intrusion and piping/HVAC ultility access and risk issues.   Existing analog and digital phone system will be replace with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone system.  Additional wireless access points will be installed throughout the building.   This new wiring should allow much greater network speeds to desktops, enable voice and video over IP technology and enable enhanced 911 service.

Removal of existing CAT5 and CAT3 network wiring along with abandoned thicknet and thinnet coaxial ethernet cabling.  Existing data racks in the three HVAC/piping chases and in the bottom of the chase will be removed as well.   Relocating the MDF and TRs to more safer locations is considered essential as the existing locations were very much subject to potential issues from pipe leaks and building utility work.

Installation of additional single mode fiber from Communications building to JBEB to support relocation of routing.

Brief Summary for  Engineering 2 Building (E2) TIU Project:

The building fiber backbone will be replaced with improved single mode fiber from tlecom rooms (TR) to main distribution facility (MDF).  Existing WiFi system will be replaced with a more modern version with more access points.   Data switches in the building will be replaced with more modern dataswitches capable of 1GB/s service and with Voice over IP service (VoIP).   Existing analog and digital phone system will be replace with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone system.


Estimated Construction Work Schedule

Status Timeline Building What Effects/Status
Complete 1/2/16 to 6/15/16 JBEB JBEB Data Closet Buildout construction activity in corridors of JBEB, 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor.  
Basement level work is in local rooms of physical plant and PBSci.
All closets are built.  
Complete  6/20/16- 8/15/16 JBEB Data Cable Tray Inst Crews accessing labs, Offices ceilings to install wire basket cable trays.
in progress



Data Cable Installs Crews accessing labs, offices, ceilings to pull new CAT6 cable from telcom rooms to locations for computer data and telephone connections.   See areas listed below for approx schedul
Complete 7/25-8/26 JBEB 1st Floor Data Cable Installs

1st floor data pulls are installed.  Swithover to new network is underway.   Conversion of office phones to VoIP is underway.


8/29/16 JBEB

1st floor Switches
TR 1.1, 1.2

9/5/16- 3DDataCom ready TR for ITS equipment.
ITS technicans completed installation of new network switches on 1st floor telcom rooms



1st Floor network switchovers

BSOE and ITS network technicans switch over computers to new network
Complete 9/20-21 JBEB

1st Floor phones to VoIP

ITS telcom changing out telephones to VoIP on 1st floor.



2nd Floor Data Cable Installs

All offices and labs have cables run.  Finishing up testing of fiber and copper lines on 10/24.   Cabling of Western edge offices (Ugrad Advising) goes to basement TR rooms, will be done after 3rd floor




2nd floor switch installs

99% 10/24-28 JBEB

2nd Floor network switchovers

Underway, Lynne is working with individuals to switch computers over;  BE230 and BE213 Data center need to move over still.
Complete 10/27/28 JBEB

2nd Floor VoIP Deployment

Replace phones in offices and labs with VoIP phones, cut over to new network system.
ITS Telcom doing Wed 11/2 & Thur 11/3

Complete 10/25-
JBEB 3rd Floor Data Cable Installs  Install CAT6 cables from TR rooms to offices and labs.   All rooms except for Western edge offices (AHR, research accountants, Dean's office).  Those Western edge offices will be done when basement is wired.
Complete 11/21-23 JBEB 3rd floor switch installatation  Some testing still underway


JBEB 3rd Floor network switchovers  Doing them early morning.


JBEB 3rd Floor VoIP Deployment

Expecting to start 12/14, earlier for some staff locations.
Replace phones in offices and labs with VoIP phones, cut over to new network system.


11/21-12/?? JBEB

West Edge Offices and Basement Data Cable Installs

Also includes offices along Western wall of JBEB on 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors.  
Should finish by 12/12. 


12/12-14 JBEB Basement  switch installs in TR0.1, 0.2  TR turnover to ITS estimated for Monday 12/12/16
TBD TBD JBEB Basement  network switchovers  Will happen after ITS installs switches in TRs.
TBD TBD JBEB  Datacenter  Fiber & Switch connection switch over in BE-250 and BE-213.
TBD TBD JBEB  Removal of old wiring  Basement, 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor removals of old CAT5E, CAT3, multimode fiber in various locations.
Complete 4/25/16-10/1/16

E2 WiFi access point installations

corridors on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th floors  Installing cabling from data closets to new WiFi access points and new access points.   No foreseable inpact to existing service.
WAP distribution: 15 -1st floor; 16 - 2nd floor; 18- 3rd floor, 18-4th floor; 23-5th floor

Fire/Smoke sleeve issue between cooridors and labs. A redesign was issued.  the contractor will need to order the fire sleeves and install them.  This will be a little more intrusive and will take some time.   Estimate was new sleeves would arrive week of 5/16 and installations would start shortly afterwards.

Complete 4/25/16-10/1/16 E2 Data closets Installing new interduct and fiber to each data closet from main distribution facility.


 E2 Backbone to Comm Building  1st floor MDF, Comm Building, Engineering Circle Manhole
Complete  4/25/16-
 E2 Routers/Switches Proposed date to de-promote existing JBEB/E2 routers to switch status.  BSOE network would be routed from comm-g building routers.


11/7-10  E2 Data move from old network to netw network Involves work in telcom rooms, moving jacks to new switch gear.
As of Mon 11/7; E2-5th floor west is complete.  East side was not completed.
75% 11/15-22  E2 VoIP Changeover  Replace phones in offices and labs with VoIP phones, cut over to new network system.
TBD TBD  E2 Datacenter cutoovers  E2-208 & E2-594  network cutovers for switch gear in datacenters.
TBD TBD  E2 Removal of any old wiring  unsure if there is any demo required for E2


Drawings and Plans

JBEB New Data Closet Locations for TIU Phase B

JBEB Floor 3 Cable Trays
JBEB Floor 2 Cable Trays
JBEB Floor 1 Cable Trays
JBEB Floor 0 Cable Trays



Frequently Asked Questions

a.  Why are new telcom rooms needed?
Telcom equipment is currently located in the three mechanical shafts of JBEB.  Those current locations cannot be reused as they do not meet code and operational requirements of modern telcom equipment.  Existing locations are adjacent to hot, cold water pipes and subject to disturbance from mainteance and repair of plumbing and HVAC systems.

b.  Why are the new telcom rooms (TR) located in the cooridors?
There are urgent needs to free up more I&R space in JBEB for BSOE instructional and research (I&R) programs.  In order to reduce impacts to I&R space in JBEB, non-assignable or non-I&R space options must be used.   In many locations the only non-assignable or non-I&R space available is corridor space. 

c.  Who is paying for this project?
This is a UC capital project using money targeted for renewal and infrastructure improvements. 

d.  I have questions regarding the new Voice over IP Phones. 
Please see ITS VoIP Web Site:  http://its.ucsc.edu/voip/

e.  I heard or have experience poor quality assoicated with Voice over IP (VoIP) phones.  Can you confirm this is or not the case.
VoIP phones can have intermittent quality issues but these issues are largely the result of a network not setup or designed to handle VoIP phone systems.  For example, use of VoIP phones on home networks where your service provider has not programmed network equipment to prioritize or properly handle VoIP traffice can result in the bulk of problems.  There are well documented on the following web pages;

Five Causes of Poor VoIP Quality

To help ID the problem, here is a list of voice quality problems descriptions.  Knowing what a particular voice quality problem is caused can help troubleshoot to a solution quicker.
Cisco Systems Description of Common Voice Quality Symptoms


Project Contacts

Role Name CellPhone Email

UCSC Project Manager
TIU Phase B

Gerald Greenleaf   geraldg@ucsc.edu

BSOE Facilities

Bob Vitale 831-596-5360


BSOE Facilities
Operations Manager
Jeff Duncan 831-566-1261



Lynne Sheehan  


ITS/Campus Networking Michael O'Connell   oconnell@ucsc.edu

Contractor - Superintendent
3D Datacom
Lead for Data Wiring

Bret Williams 925-570-3355


Contractor - Foreman
3D Datacom

Sean Boyle  


Wulff Electric
Electrical & Cable Ways

Arty Palmer 707-249-5187


Abatement Team


Mike Hinson
Network Closet Construction

Mike Hinson    

Special Room Contacts


ITS/ Computer Labs

Jennifer Miller  831-459-5651  jlschoen@ucsc.edu

ITS / Media Service
BE-152, 154, 156, 165,
169, 373
E2 1st floor classrooms

Bruce Horn
(Field Tech)
Jeff Wagoner
831-459-2117 bhorn@ucsc.edu

Genomics Data Center
BSOE Data Center

Erich Weiler

Lynne Sheehan



Other contacts:

Capital Planning:  Linda Flaherty
ITS Core Networking Project Manager:  General Hopper
ITS Facilities:  Jackie Davis
ITS Networking:  Michael O'Connell
ITS BSOE Division Networking: Lynne Sheehan

Lead and Wiring - 3D Datacom (Wiring),
Wulff Electric - Arty (electrican and cableway installation),
Mike Hinson Construction (JBEB Data Closets buildout)

PBSci Facilities:  Chris Parker
SocSci Facilities:  Tiffany Winslow


Weekly Construction Meeting Notes and Information


Questions ??
VoIP - if the phone goes down will an attached computer also loose internet connection?
VoIP - if a computer is setup for remote login via VPN and is attached to a VoIP phone connection, will remote login still work.   IOWs is the phone acting like some sort of firewall?
VoIP - Does ITS/Telcom have an instruction manual for using VoIP phones?



Note:  This week is finals week.  No work on 1st floor.

Simularium is cutover.
all data connections have been moved over, old switches are off.  Lynne needs to removed them.
E2-208 needs to switch over fiber.   E2-594 no longer needs fiber.

Need to remove old waps, still a few new WAPS not working.  Vic is working on them.


Michaeal says there should be analog lines placed in hallways.   Should have an active phone.  Convience phones.   Ask Terry about them.  this has been done at Thimann, Sinshimer.  E2 might not have any hall way phones.

Crown Castle maintains/owns the cell tower.

Fiber cutovers;  Moving fiber in JBEB in BE-213, 250; E2-208; will need to occur.   Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur. Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

JBEB-213 has 10G fiber, jumbo frames, no redundant link.

JBEB-339 - nework jacks need to be lowered to 18 in above floor per Dean of Engineering request.  One side did not get done.  3D Datacom says there is slack in cable to reach new locations.

Basement:  Basement TRs are done, CAT6 Cabling is installed.  Matter of moving computers over.  VOIP cutovoer - Wed-Thur this week (Dean Thursday), install West Side of JBEB.

3rd Floor:  CAT6 Cabling is installed.  Networking equipment is installed.  Slight delay as some equipment connections are not working properly.  Assuming 3.1 TR would be done first.  Would like to start network cutovers tomorrow morning but depended upon Lynne for BSOE.   VoIP should be expected week or 2 after finals.

2nd Floor: Completed except western wall offices & cutting over fiber for BE-213 and BE-250.
BE-215 (Schmidt Dry Lab) has ports with no labels, North-East wall per Lynne.   Lynne to recheck.

1st Floor - complete for data and VoIP, except for Western wall offices (need basement TRs up).

Demo:  Will remove old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.   Should start with East chase first, then move the Center and West.   Lynne and Michael to tag all fiber cans not to touch.




Note:  This week is finals week.  No work on 1st floor.

Simularium remains as a location that has not cutover.  Lynne may do on Wed AM unless pre-empted.
Saturday removal of old network;  1st floor and 2nd floor is done.
ITS has all 5 five floors equipment installed including simularium.
4th floor switches need to move to new fiber.

Networks cutovers some stragglers remain (about 20 connections).  Lynne is doing.
5th floor completed.;  Need to do 4, 3, 2 floors.
Need to remove old waps, still a few new WAPS not working.  Vic is working on them.

VoIP changeovers should be done.  Maybe a few conference phones that have not yet been replaced.
Jacks faceplates in E2 will change from last to first;  For a 3 jack faceplate;   D1, D2, D3/telephone   will go to  D1/VoIP  D2   D3;  

JBEB-230 - network jacks adjustment completed (cubicals in right corner as you walk in)

JBEB-339 - nework jacks need to be lowered to 18 in above floor per Dean of Engineering request.  Can be done anytime as room is unoccupied.  BSOE will have holes in wall patched and painted.   3D Datacom says there is slack in cable to reach new locations.

Will remove old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.   Jim Warner says old fiber should be removed as part of job (remove abandoned cabling part of spec).   demo BE-216 station fiber now, hold for rest until we get the whole building up on the new network. 

Moving fiber in JBEB will need to occur, sometime in December after finals week.  Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur. Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

Basement:  Working on TR0.2 to finish, estimate to complete this weekend.  Last 2 rooms to pull BE-16, 46.  Hard to do as ceiling, doing today.  1st, 2nd and 3rd floors to basement are installed.   Shooting to have TR0.1, 0.2 turn over to ITS on Monday 12/12.

3rd Floor:  CAT6 Cabling is installed.  Networking equipment is installed.  Slight delay as some equipment connections are not working properly.  Assuming 3.1 TR would be done first.  Would like to start network cutovers tomorrow morning but depended upon Lynne for BSOE.   VoIP should be expected week or 2 after finals.

2nd Floor CAT6 cabling is finished.  Network cutovers 99% done, Lynne, BE-230 and BE-213 need to be done.   VoIP changeovers completeted.
BE-215 (Schmidt Dry Lab) has ports with no labels, North-East wall per Lynne.   Lynne to recheck.

1st Floor - complete for data and VoIP, except for Western wall offices (need basement TRs up).  




Note:  This week is finals week.  No work on 1st floor.

Simularium remains as a location that has not cutover.  Lynne may do on Wed AM unless pre-empted.
Saturday removal of old network;  1st floor and 2nd floor is done.
ITS has all 5 five floors equipment installed including simularium.
4th floor switches need to move to new fiber.

Networks cutovers some stragglers remain (about 20 connections).  Lynne is doing.
5th floor completed.;  Need to do 4, 3, 2 floors.
Need to remove old waps, still a few new WAPS not working.  Vic is working on them.

VoIP changeovers should be done.  Maybe a few conference phones that have not yet been replaced.
Jacks faceplates in E2 will change from last to first;  For a 3 jack faceplate;   D1, D2, D3/telephone   will go to  D1/VoIP  D2   D3;  


Will remove old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.   Jim Warner says old fiber should be removed as part of job (remove abandoned cabling part of spec).   demo BE-216 station fiber now, hold for rest until we get the whole building up on the new network. 

Basement:  Still problems & omissions for basement Telcom rooms.
TR0.1 was not completed per Gerald.  3D Datacom thought it was.
TR0.2 still working.  Last 2 rooms to pull BE-16, 46.  Hard to do as ceiling, doing today.  1st, 2nd and 3rd floors to basement are installed.   

BE-40:  68-71 need to do hot cuts.  Will do when closet is up and running
BE-46:  Jacks at end of patch panels, last 3; need to have lab staff present.  located near sink.

BE-64D - 4 locations that need to be installed.
TR0.1 - locations for BE-093 locations got omitted, cables were installed but coiled in the overhead.   One coil has jacks on them.   Other coils need to have jacks on them.

BE-13C - Chiller location has new cable installed.
BE-13 - HVAC and fire alarm shops have been wired.

Moving fiber in JBEB will need to occur, sometime in December after finals week.  Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur. Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

3rd Floor:  Completed except for West Wall offices
CAT6 Cabling is installed.  Networking equipment is installed.  VoIP phones have been deployed.  Computers have been switched over to new network.
Lynne says all systems have been switch over except West Wall.
Need to verify;  JBEB-339 - nework jacks lowered to 18 in above floor per Dean of Engineering request.  

2nd Floor:  Completed except for West Wall offices
CAT6 cabling is finished.  Network cutovers 99% done, Lynne BE-213 ethernet is done, fiber needs to test. VoIP changeovers completeted.
BE-215 (Schmidt Dry Lab) has ports with no labels, North-East wall per Lynne.   Lynne to recheck.
BE-213 & 250;  need to switch over existing swithes from old fiber to new fiber patch panels. 

1st Floor:   Completed except for West Wall offices
complete for data and VoIP



Note:  Next week is finals week.  No work on 1st floor.

ITS has all 5 five floors equipment installed, except for simularium, waiting to finish JBEB.  
Networks cutovers completed for 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th floors (only 1st floor remains).
VoIP changeovers have been occuring; think 5th, 4th and 3rd may be done.
All WAPS are installed, maybe a few not yet operating.
Jacks faceplates in E2 will change from last to first;  For a 3 jack faceplate;   D1, D2, D3/telephone   will go to  D1/VoIP  D2   D3;  

JBEB-230 - network jacks need adjustment to cover some cubicals in right corner as you walk in.  These were approved to be moved but have not yet beeen done.

JBEB-339 - nework jacks need to be lowered to 18 in above floor per Dean of Engineering request.  Can be done anytime as room is unoccupied.  BSOE will have holes in wall patched and painted.   3D Datacom says there should be slack in cable to reach new locations.

Will remove old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.   Jim Warner says old fiber should be removed as part of job (remove abandoned cabling part of spec).   demo BE-216 station fiber now, hold for rest until we get the whole building up on the new network. 

Moving fiber in JBEB will need to occur, sometime in December after finals week.  Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur. Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

Basement:  Start pulling cables in basement on 11/14/16.  Plan is to do the West side first.  Believe 1st floor West offices were completed and some 3rd floor offices were done.  Cable pulls were interrupted by TR0.1 completion and ran out of pleium cable. 
A few offices on 3rd floor & 2nd floor West have inaccessible ceilings.  

3rd Floor:  CAT6 Cabling is installed.  Networking equipment is installed.  Slight delay as some equipment connections are not working properly.  Assuming 3.1 TR would be done first.  Would like to start network cutovers tomorrow morning but depended upon Lynne for BSOE.   VoIP should be expected week or 2 after finals.

2nd Floor CAT6 cabling is finished.  Network cutovers being done by Lynne.   VoIP changeovers completeted.
Need to go back to BE-230, move some network ports around to cover entry area desk to right.
BE-215 (Schmidt Dry Lab) has ports with no labels, North-East wall per Lynne.

1st Floor - complete for data and VoIP, except for Western wall offices (need basement TRs up).  


ITS has all 5 five floors equipment installed, excpet for simularium.  Cutovers started Monday 11/7, 5W is 90% done (VLAN issues); 5E is 70% done.
Tuesday just East, West (Econ) was done.  Wed - 3rd floor;  Thur -2nd floor.
Hot cuts to take place in from 5am to 8am, 1 floor per day.   VoIP cutovers will be later and scheduled via Terri Textor and annoucement from Jackie Davis.  VoIP to start Mon 11/14 on 5th floor, starting around 9am.  No VoIP cutovers during finals week (12/5-9).  All WAPS are installed.   No demo of existing fiber.

Jacks faceplates in E2 will change from last to first;  For a 3 jack faceplate;   D1, D2, D3/telephone   will go to  D1/VoIP  D2   D3;  


Will remove old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.   Jim Warner says old fiber should be removed as part of job (remove abandoned cabling part of spec).   demo BE-216 station fiber now, hold for rest until we get the whole building up on the new network. 

Moving fiber in JBEB will need to occur, sometime in December after finals week.  Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur. Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

Basement:  Will start pulling cables in basement on 11/14/16.  Plan is to do the West side first.   A few offices on 3rd floor & 2nd floor West have inaccessible ceilings

3rd Floor:  3D Datacom installing CAT6 cabling working West to East, mostly working 5am-1pm.  Heavy progress made.  Nearly all areas West of Main entry corridor are completed (except for West wall offices which home run to basement).   Shooting to be done by 11/14th.  3rd floor TR cutovers on Thur 11/17th, possible VoIP over 11/21 to Dec 2nd.  Need verification on what to do with BE-301B cabling, length is fine; submitted CO to Gerald for approval.  Will replace the jacks on both ends, wrong color and brand.   BE-354 back wall has a soffit that runs overhead, cannot get access to soffit.  So surface conduits will need to stub up to soffit and go up to J hooks.   Gerald veified that is this ok, room should be close to done.   May need to have painters repair riser conduits (including 354, 356, 379).
BE-379 - Has 6 each D2s per plan, Jim Whitehead authorized 3 each D4s.  will get started on that area today.  Conduits are done there.  Most wiring to be done this week.

2nd Floor CAT6 cabling is finished.  Network cutovers being done by Lynne.   VoIP changeovers done Wed 11/2 and Thur 11/3.  Maybe a few loose ends.
Need to go back to BE-230, move some network ports around to cover entry area desk to right.
BE-215 (Schmidt Dry Lab) has ports with no labels, North-East wall per Lynne.

1st Floor - complete for data and VoIP, except for Western wall offices (need basement TRs up).   


fiber is all installed.   ITS plans to have all 5 five floors equipment installed.  Need to push cut overs out a few weeks.   Issues with fiber jumper lengths.  Need to buy longer fiber jumpers (5-6 meter jumpers).   Also fiber connection problems at Communciations.   New date for cutovers is Monday 11/7.
Hot cuts to take place in from 5am to 8am, 1 floor per day.   VoIP cutovers will be later and scheduled via Terri Textor and annoucement from Jackie Davis (tenative VoIP would be 11/14.  No VoIP cutovers during finals week (12/5-9).  All WAPS are installed.   No demo of existing fiber.

Jacks faceplates in E2 will change from last to first;  For a 3 jack faceplate;   D1, D2, D3/telephone   will go to  D1/VoIP  D2   D3;  


Need to determine what to do with old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.   Jim Warner says old fiber should be removed as part of job (remove abandoned cabling part of spec).   demo BE-216 station fiber now, hold for rest until we get the whole building up on the new network. 

Moving fiber in JBEB will need to occur, sometime in December after finals week.  Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur. Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

3rd Floor:  3D Datacom installing CAT6 cabling working West to East, mostly working 5am-1pm.  Heavy progress being made, hope by end of week will be to center coordor.   Shooting to be done by 11/14th.  3rd floor TR cutovers on Thur 11/17th, possible VoIP over 11/21 to Dec 2nd.  Need verification on what to do with BE-301B cabling, which TR to pull to (South TR per Michael/Gerald).   BE-354 back wall has a soffit that runs overhead, cannot get access to soffit.  So surface conduits will need to stub up to soffit and go up to J hooks.  

2nd Floor CAT6 cabling is finished.  TR2.2 & T2.1 are cutover to data (done Friday) but not yet VoIP.  New WAPS are installed but not yet operating.   Lynne needs to work with ITS and users to transfer computers over.    VoIP starting around Wed 11/2 and Thur 11/3.

1st Floor - complete for data and VoIP, except for Western wall offices (need basement TRs up).   


fiber is all installed.   ITS starting to install switches and UPS in telcom rooms.  Plan to have all 5 five floors equipment installed by end of week.  UPS are half installed, short a few but should have by end of week.   Planning hot cuts of networking starting next week, likely to take place in from 5am to 8am, 1 floor per day.  VoIP cutovers should take place (Terri Textor).   All WAPS are installed.   No demo of existing fiber.

Need to determine what to do with old station fiber in JBEB.  Nearly all of it was never used and is multimode and terminates in the HVAC chases with no provision to move or terminate to new Telcom rooms of TIU.

Moving fiber in JBEB will need to occur, sometime in December after finals week.  Need to map out what fibers need to transfer when and what outages will occur.   Possible cell phone distruption to Cell Phone service.  Jesus Hernanze (ITS Outside Plant guy) will look this over.

3rd Floor CAT6 cabling will startup next week.   Bret and Sean (3D Datacom) to provide a listing to BSOE in the next few days.  3D Datacom to be mostly working 5am-1pm.

2nd Floor CAT6 cabling to finish this Friday.  TR2.2 is testing right now.   TR2.1 all cables have been routed, terminating final few.  Fiber terminations on 2nd floor to start tomorrow.   Expecting to turn over TR2.1 ITS by Monday 10/24 for equipment install.   ITS is looking at cutovers TR2.2 starting for Wed 10/26 but may be 1 day eariler.   TR2.2 turn over to ITS by Wed 10/19; Cutovers TR2.2 expected around Fri 10/21; VoIP starting around Fri 10/28 (need annoucement from Terri Textor & Jackie Davis).



JBEB 1st floor networking is started working on new system.  BE-111 is setup and computers operating.  BELS is testing computers.   Other rooms need to swtich over but Lynne does not have access to network closets.
Starting cuts over for Voice (VoIP) on Tuesday, should be done by end of Wednesday.
Cannot add new network locations until the VoIP installation is done.

Bob noticed the door for TR1.1 does not close, closer needs to be adjusted.   Also the room was very hot and no airflow, likely the fans were not turned on. Possible breaker was turned off.

JBEB 2nd Floor network cabling installation has started.   Complaint from last week that a large number of doors were left open on the 2nd floor with no one around, this happened around 9:30am - likely lunchtime.
Bob will email folks on 2nd floor asking them to secure valuables and information as their doors may be open at times with no one around.  Contractor will be asked to not leave area with large numbers of doors open.

Restarting fiber is going in next week.   Needs to be completed by end of next week.   Need to complete by 9/29/16.   New swtiches will be installed in E2 in October.


Erich Weiler showed up to meeting.   Bob off for next 2 weeks;  Back 9/17/16.

Data Closets:
Basement BDF - done,racks in; TR-should be ready in 2 weeks.  TR0.2 and 3rd floor not fully completed.  TR0.2, TR3.1, 3.2 electrical shoudl be complete and ready for 3DDatacom by 9/2.

Cable Trays:
Have not finished 3rd floor yet.   Still working on basement.  Getting close to complete.
Fiber: SM Fiber has been terminated in JBEB Basement.   A new 24 strand SM fiber cable will be run from basement MDF to BE-213, will be done in a couple of weeks.  Fiber will come into BE-213 via the new cable tray.   Need location for patch panel.
Data Cabling:  1st floor some slowdowns in ACE and PBSci offices.   Pushing back 1 week on completion.  Putting fire sleeve 1 for every 2 or 3 offices on 1st floor.   Thinking 9/9/16 cabling completion.  TR turnover on 9/12/16.
2nd floor cabling starting 9/12/16.

Data Equipment Installation:  TR1.1, 1.2 - Install Tues 9/12.   May be slightly earlier.  (1.1, 1.2 each have 3 racks).
Estimate of patching in data equipment on Wed 9/14.   Then we will be looking at moving connections.

(TBD)  Fiber Installation;  Restarting on 9/6 Targeting completion on 9/30
(TBD)  Equipment Installation  could be occuring now but ITS needs
(TBD)  Cutover



Data Closets: 1 & 2nd floor done; 3rd floor just waiting for cable tray.  Basement BDF - done,racks in; TR-should be ready in 2 weeks.  TR0.2 and 3rd floor not fully completed.  TR0.2, TR3.1, 3.2 electrical shoudl be complete and ready for 3DDatacom by 9/2.  3rd floor TRs were waiting on fire conduits.
Cable Trays: 1&2nd floor done; 3rd floor, just 2 pieces left & basement still working (RFI done).
Fiber:  96 strand to Comm is done.  Working on fiber between BDF and TRs.  Fiber to 1st floor TR should be terminated this week.  ITS needs test results as soon as possible. Test results are reviewed by General Hopper and T-Com group of ITS.  Need to coordinate installation of fiber into BE-213 and BE-250.
Data Equipment Installation:  TR1.1, 1.2 - Install Tues 9/6.
Data Wiring: 1st floor will be ready for ITS on 9/5; doing North row of offices, BE-199 and NE section;  Issues of existing conduit runs cannot be used.  May need to install fire sleeves or do hot cut or cut conduit at tray.  Leaning towards doing hot cuts.  2nd floor starting week of 9/5 (duration 1 month), expect turnover of TR2.1, 2.2 around 10/10.  3rd floor starting in October (duration 1 month).  TR3.1, 3.2 turnover to ITS around 11/7.  Basement starting 11/8-12/2, TR turnover to ITS around 12/5 (including West End of JBEB offices).
Will start working nights on 9/19/16
VoIP Deployment - 1 week after data jacks are cut over by ITS.

9/13-30  trying to finish Baskin and need to redo fiber terminations in various other buildings.  Behind schedule on fiber termaination.


Data Closets: 1 & 2nd floor done; 3rd floor just waiting for cable tray.  Basement BDF - done,racks in; TR-should be ready in 2 weeks.
Cable Trays: 1&2nd floor done; 3rd floor & basement still working (RFI done).
Fiber:  96 strand to Comm is done.  Working on fiber between BDF and TRs.
Data Wiring: 1st floor ready for ITS on 9/5;  2nd floor starting week of 9/5
Will start working nights on 9/19/16

9/13-30  trying to finish Baskin and need to redo fiber terminations in various other buildings.  Behind schedule on fiber termaination.

8/8/16 - 

Data Closets:  Racks in and powered up for 1st, 2nd;  3rd floor this week;  basement in BDF this week;  smaller in basement no date yet; just need power there is a detailed.  Fiber pulls done to 1st & 2nd floors;  3rd floor this week.   Both 1st floor TRs may be ready for Sept 1st for ITS.

Cable trays 1 & 2nd floors complete; 3rd floor is 75% complete but ran out of tray, expect 8/24th.   Basement start 8/11, 2 weeks to finish basement.
Jim Warner wants a 2 ft section of tray for WAP installation mockups.

Data Wiring
What should be done with existing station cable fiber in JBEB labs?   Not used, should be removed? 

VLANs- Working out details for 8/18.  Leave as is trunk everything from communciations.

3D datacom estimated completion for WAPS; 9/16-30  trying to finish Baskin and need to redo fiber terminations in various other buildings.  Behind schedule on fiber termaination.   Project will be turned over to ITS 9/16;  2nd/3rd - 9/26;  4/5th- 9/30th.   ITS will be racking before this date.   May use existing fiber as an interium. Seeking to have equipment installed in E2 before school starts.   4East & 4West is test case, has equipment.   Tracking for end of August for VoIP dependent upon Mark and Rich with Lynne getting layer 2/3 switch made (8/18).   If layer 2/3 switch is ready, VoIP could go out the next week.   Removal of old WAPS not in the scope of the 3D Datacom contract.


Seeking class & Lab schedule for JBEB for August & September.
Need more door tags.

Data Closets
ITS to review rack locations today; 1st, 2nd and BDF racks.  Basement small TR and 3rd floor still needs to be done.
Data Cabling
1st floor cabling started on Friday.  Ramping up this week.  Starting with furtherst away and pulling back.
Basement will use riser rated cable since it is open.  Plenum rated cable on all other floors.  Revised scheduled for 1st floor data cable pulls, sent to Bob

Wire Trays
1st & 2nd floor Done
All wall hole cuts/abatement have been done
3rd floor underway, anticipate being done around 8/19
Basement will start sometime after 8/19.

Completion schedule to come from 3D this week.  Fiber installs done just need to be terminated.

Data Closets- racks in place, waiting on ITS inspections before bolting them down.  1st & 2nd floors have racks.  3rd floor not yet ready for racks.
Interduct/fiber installed from BDF to 1st & 2nd floor TRs. 
Wireways - installing runs on 3rd floor;   1st and 2nd floor done except for grounding for TR rooms;  basement still needs to be done, lots of clarification from SFMI.
Cable Runs - Starting network cable runs this week (Wed).  1st Floor.  Send a schedule last week
SFMI and Arty walked basement cable tray runs, some RFIs going back/forth
Coudl not get into 13B & 13E, Gerald to contract to Gary Riggs.

Engineers say JBEB has a variety of spaces, plenum and nonplenium, cannot determine what areas are which.  Will use plenum rated cable everywhere.
Storage - Needs a location in basement for storage of wireways through Mid August, Gerald says room 75A might be available. Room 310 now available for TIU staging.  BSOE will need BE-111 returned from TIU staging sometime in Mid-August to setup for class use in September.

3D datacom needs a 1961 key.

Will start back up in future (not this week).  1st & 5th floor area done.  2,3,4 areas need to be done.
Still need fiber installations (single mode)
home runs between E2 and Comm Building.

Network plan meeting tomorrow, 11am.  Tim, Lynn, Michael, Mark Booltain, Rich Chew, John Hauskins, General Hopper to move BSOE networks from JBEB/E2 routers to comm building (e2-g & be-g have vlans).  Still 3-4 weeks away from JBEB 1st floor TR room being ready.  Will be a complete network outage when a VLAN is moved (but could be short).


Wireways - finishing GPSRs (fire blocks) on 1st and 2nd floor;  1st Floor complete; 2nd floor complete expect for Room 213;
Needs a location in basement for storage of wireways through Mid August, Gerald says room 75A might be available. 
Room 310 now available for TIU staging.  BSOE will need BE-111 returned from TIU staging sometime in Mid-August to setup for class use in September.

Starting next week, cabling will start on 1st floor areas.
Telcom Room (TR) work 
Racks are going into place this week.
Backbone fiber will start next week. (2 crews next week)
Cable trays have been installed in all TRs.
2nd floor TR power is done.  Power should be done for 1st floor, basement, 3rd floor next.  Basement is important due to head end distribution.

Will start back up in future (not this week).  1st & 5th floor area done.  2,3,4 areas need to be done.
Still need fiber installations (single mode)
home runs between E2 and Comm Building.

Need network plan for setting up the switches, now to cut everything over.  Need meeting with Tim, Lynn, Michael, Mark Booltain, Rich Chew, John Hauskins, General Hopper to move BSOE networks from JBEB/E2 routers to comm building (e2-g & be-g have vlans).  Still 3-4 weeks away from JBEB 1st floor TR room being ready.  Will be a complete network outage when a VLAN is moved (could be short).


7/11/16 - 
Electrical Contractor will be finishing up installation of cable trays on JBEB 2nd floor this upcoming week and is nearly complete on JBEB 1st floor cable trays.   Next week expects to move to 3rd floor of JBEB. Waiting on drawings for basement cable trays.  TPSR(fire sleeves) installed on 1st floors; 2nd floor this week.   3D Datacom will be installing racks in dataclosets this week.  Backbone fiber & copper cabling next week to dataclosets.   JBEB 1st floor premise data cables start the week of 7/25.

Once team starts pulling cables in JBEB, a small team will finish up on E2.  3D Datacom has WAPS from Vic in ITS.

Brocade ICX 7450-48P will be provided by ITS and installed by 3D datacom.  3D Datacom will alert ITS about 2 weeks before dataclosets are ready to get switches ready for install.

On Tuesday, BSOE facilities meeting with ITS Telcom to review phone connections

- In E2, 3D Datacome says cannot get data wiring into the labs due to fire pentrations from corridor to labs.  The plan was to use existing wall/fire barrier penetrations (fire sleeves), however those cannot be used.  A redesign was issued, designers and contractor are waiting for ITS to review the change order and approve the design change.   Once done, the contractor will need to order the fire sleeves and install them.  This will be a little more intrusive and will take some time.   Estimate was new sleeves would arrive week of 5/16 and installations would start shortly afterwards.

At yesterday's meeting, the estimate was for these sleeves to arrive next week sometime.


Construction Avoidance Information - Updated for Fall Classes 

Classes and Activities

Dates Activity Locations that are Sensitive
 9/22/16 Fall Quarter Class Start

 JBEB Classrooms, E2 Classrooms, Engineering Auditorium
 JBEB Teaching Labs, JBEB Computing Labs

9/22-12/9 3rd Floor Classroom
J Baskin Engr 372

 See Registar's Schedule at:
JBEB-372 in use MTW 8;00am-9:00pm; Th 8:00am-8:00pm; Fr 8:00am-5pm

  3rd Floor Labs  See BELS Schedule at:
9/22 -12/9 BE-301A Networks Lab Lab Schedule
Mo 1100-1300;  Tu 1600-1800; Wd 1500-1700; Th 1000-1200 Fr 1200-1400
Students may be in lab at other hours working
  BE-301B BME Wet Lab Coordinate with lab manager Hugh Olsen heolsen@soe.ucsc.edu
taps and CAT6 cable already installed by prior project and coiled up in overhead.
  Conf Rooms Please see Google Calendar - schedules vary
  BE-318, 330  
  AMS Dept Offices & Labs  Contact:  Raychel Sky Dept Manager  459-4259
  BE-351 to 373  
12/5-9 Finals Week  Avoid work on systems.
12/22-1/2 Campus Closure  campus is closed for holidays.   If working need to make prior arrangements for access and support.