BE Building Infrastructure Information


Engineering 2 Building

Jack Baskin Engineering Building

  • Electrical Capacities:
    • Power
    • Emergency Power
    • Standby Generator Power
  • Plumbing
    • DI Water System - Type III de-ionized (DI) water is plumbed to many wet lab locations. Type III DI water is used for washing purposes or as a feed water for producing higher grade water.
  • HVAC System
    • Rooftop air handling provides fresh air to office and lab spaces throughout the top 3 floors of JBEB.  Air handlers are provisioned with Minimum Efficiency Report Value (MERV) 8 filters. MERV-8 filters generally clean air at the 30 to 10.0 um particle size with 30-35% dust spot efficiency as specified by ASHRAE 52.1 Standard. The typical recommended application for this HVAC system is general commerical, industrial, and better residential.
    • Newer lab buildings at UCSC (BioMed, PSB) use MERV-13 filters, which filters two order of magnitude better (0.30um to 1.0 um particle size) with 80-90% dust spot efficience as specified by ASHRAE 52.1 standard.
    • Filters are changed every 6 months by Physical Plant HVAC crews. 
    • More on MERV ratings at:
    • Air handling is bi-furigated for wet labs and for office/dry lab locations. Wet lab locations have 100% air change with outside, where office and dry labs the air is partially exhausted to outside and partially recirculated.