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BE Facilities Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Access to Building & Keys
Click on the link above to understand the key and electronic access system and policies. If you already know them, then please login to the UCSC online key request system to request keys and codes. 

Cellular/Mobile Phone Use
ITS Page on Mobile Communications at UCSC
UCSC does not own, operate, nor control cellular phone service on campus. UCSC only leases space for cellular towers and locations for transmitters. If your cell phone service is not working or working poorly, please contact your service provider. Only by contacting your service provider, will service be improved.

Mobile Phone Plan Discounts for UCSC Faculty/Staff and Students.  
UCSC has discounts with some cellular phone/data service providers. Click on the link to the ITS page page above to get more information on discounted plans for UCSC faculty, staff and students.

Reporting Cellular/Mobile Phone System Problems by Provider
AT&T Cellular Coverage Problems
For AT&T Call 611 on your AT&T cell phone and tell AT&T your coverage or data problems. You can also get the free 'Mark the Spot' application for your smart phone that will transmit much of the necessary data without needing to call AT&T.

Contact Verizon Customer support (*611 from your cell phone or 800-922-0204) to report poor coverage.

Cleaning & Custodial Support
Please see our web page describing the custodial service level that UCSC provides. We realize the service level is very inadaquate. If you would like an area cleaned, please submit a request to A FOAPAL and authorization to bill cleaning charges is required for cleaning that is above the service level that UCSC custodial provides. 

Computing Problems, Computing Network or Support Needs
Submit a request via the ITS Request System or email:
For BE computing issues please put BE or BE computing in subject line so help desk personnel can route issue quicker. This also includes requests for the add, move, and change of computer network taps.

Computing Staff Organization Chart
See web page above to find out who does what in the ITS organization. This contains sometimes helpful to understand where expertise lies and who might give you advice. Be sure to always open an ITS ticket (for main campus computing needs via IT Request or for BE specific computing needs via email to:

Conference Room and Meeting Room ReservationsClick on link above. 

Copying and Copying Support
All personnel generally do their own copying and ordering of copying. There are two primary methods, either use a copy machine yourself or for large jobs, send the job to UCSC copy services and pickup or have delivered to your mailstop.

Copy Machine Use - Small Scale
See the UCSC Copier Program link above for detailed information and contact info for copiers. 
To use copiers you need join the Copier Program and get setup in the Pharos Uniprint system. This will require FOAPAL (account code) to charge copying to.  See your deptarment manager or research accountant to get the appropriate FOAPAL. The Pharos copy machines are setup for Black/White and Color copying and can do B/W & Color printing from the cloud; most can also do scanning.

Copies are also now used for printing directly from Computers.

UCSC Pharos Copier/Printer/Scanner locations

 - Large Scale
UCSC Copy Center can do large job secure copying for exams, quizes, handouts, etc can be submitted via email with form attached. See their web page for phone number if the requirement is last minute.

Deliveries & Receiving - to Baskin Engineering on Main Residential Campus
Please see our web page, link above.

Emergency Prepareness and Evacuation
Consult our emergency prepareness and evacuation page for detailed information. 

Ergonomics Evaluations
Please see

Event Support
Please see event support page, click on link above. Events are DYI - do it yourself. We have a limited number of folding tables and stacking chairs which should be reservationed in advance. If you need to reserve our folding tables and chairs, please email:  

For larger events, please work with your department manager, administrative assistant, or Baskin Engineering Events Coordinator.  

Note: If you are holding an event with food and/or beverage, you may need to complete and have an approved Entertainment Reporting Form (ERF). Check with your department manager and research accountant for requirements of the ERF.

Whether it be moving, new purchases, repairs, disposal or ergonomic adjustments, e-mail your questions to our ticketing system e-mail address listed above. We have limited funding and very limited off-campus storage space. We have a few assorted furniture items on hand and may be able to fill your request quickly.

New Purchases and Reconfigurations
Email: New furniture purchases require a long lead-time, as much as 12 weeks, for delivery. As soon as you recognize the need for new furniture contact us to begin the ordering process. Baskin SoE has developed a standard range of components and colors for furniture. We can select from this standard and assist you wherever possible.  

Requests to move furniture, office contents, and lab equipment should be e-mailed to our ticketing system For major lab moves, we ask for 30 days advanced notice. For office moves, 20 days notice is needed. Most of this time is for telephone moves which require 15 days advance notice. In advance of your move we will visit with you to discuss your needs and expectations. We prepare a scripted move list for the workers to follow and, as much as possible, clearly tag every item and location. We have developed an information form to help you prepare for the move, and we provide tags for tagging your items. We will bring these things to you upon request. We will provide boxes. For efficiency and safety the movers request that you not be present during a move. With our preparations and proper labeling everything should go smoothly and quickly. We will help you prepare space for setup and moves. Where we have them, we will provide floor plans. All extra cubical parts and extra furniture after a move or office/lab reconfiguration is completed will be absorbed into the common BE furniture pool and placed in BE storage. This common pool is used for future adjustments in office/lab furnishings Schoolwide. Departments, Laboratories and ORUs are not provisioned with storage space for spares/extra furniture.

Sit/Stand Desk
BE supports purchase and installation of sit/stand stations via the ergonomics program. Please see our ergonomics program for more details.

Instructional /Instructor Support (BE Division)
Contact BE Instructional Support Staff (ISS) in E2 Room 298.   
via email at:
Also click on link above for current information.

Instructional Computing Labs (Campus Computing Labs)

Contact ITS Instructional Technology

Instructional Lab Needs (BE Hardware Labs)
Contact Baskin Engineering Lab Support (BELS) via email to:

Keys & Electronic Access
Click on the link above to understand the key and electronic access system and policies. If you already know them, then please login to the UCSC online key request system to request keys and codes.

Mail Stops and Mail Stops
Faculty and staff mailboxes are maintained in 3 locations.
MS SOE  - located in the Dean's office - JBEB-335A  Maintained by Dean's Executive Assistant
MS SOE2 - located in Engineering 2 Room 210.  Maintained by BE Instructional Support  (email:
MS SOE3 - located in Engineering 2 Room 310.  Maintained by BE Instructional Support  (email:
More info on Instructional Support Web page.

Network Activations, Moves & Changes
See web page above,  email the campus computing help desk: or login to IT Request system via

For BE computing issues please put BE or BE computing in subject line and the Building Name and Room number so help desk personnel can route issue quicker and networking staff can respond sooner. This also includes requests for add, move and change of computer network taps.

Go to the BE ITS web pages and look up printing for the most current information. BE is slowly moving towards using cloud printing via the UCSC Pharos System. People to send their print job to the cloud and then you find a copy machine, login and print out your job. This enables you to print nearly anywhere on campus, provides more security for print jobs and reduces wasteful printing.   

Reservations and Meetings
Occupancy limits are set by the Fire Marshall. One general rule of thumb that has been used is 15 sf/person for Class B occupancy conference room space; 20 sf/person for classroom space, capped at 49 people for a single exit room or where the second exit is not a minimum of 1/2 to 1/3 the max diagonal of the room.

How to reserve a ...

UCSC Classroom
BE faculty member, make your room reservations via BE instructional suppport.
More info at:
Email BE instructional support ticket queue:

Non BE faculty and are seeking to use a classroom for purposes other than instruction, please contact UCSC Registars' office. Note that most classrooms are in full use during the academic quarter, however weekends may be less so.
UCSC Registar -

BE Conference Room
Email BE instructional support ticket queue:
BE facilities does not reserve conference rooms. All access requests must be forwarded by instructional support staff to BE facilities. BE facilities does not accept access requests directly from users.

BE Teaching Lab
Email Baskin Engineering Lab Support at:
Teaching labs are generally reserved for BE courses. At times when courses are not meeting, labs are available by fee for use under a UCSC approved recharge. See BELS Web Site for more information on BE teaching labs.

Conference Rooms and Spaces - click on link
This includes the Simularium (E2-180), E2-506, E2-533, E2-556, Optiputer (E2-598) and 5th floor conference room (E2-599). Request a reservation via the CITRIS web request page.  
All access requests for CITRIS conference rooms must be made via the system. Approval for code/card activations is made by the conference room schedulers.

BE Courtyard Spaces - click on link
See web page for details on reserving and use of BE courtyard spaces.

Lobby and Common areas of Jack Baskin Engineering and Engineering 2 Buildings for Special Events
Email BE facilities at:
Please note whether you are a BE activity or not and whether you will have any needs such as tables, chairs, trash cans and whether you will be serving or selling food. If you are serving or selling food, please review the food permit process and ensure you have a food permit if needed.  Make sure you contact UCSC EH&S two weeks in advance should a food permit be required.

Silicon Valley Campus (SVC) aka Bowers Ave - Information and Support  
See web page for for details on support at Silicon Valley Campus (SVC) located at 3175 Bowers Avenue in Santa Clara.

Safety Issues

Safety or Hazard Reporting 
Please complete the campus Hazard Alert Report form:
also let facilities staff know by email to our ticket system: 

Telephone Issues

Reporting Problems with Telephone
Please report telephone problems to BE Facilities office via email to:
BE Faciliites may do an initial investigation and then submit a request to ITS telcom for repairs. You may submit a ticket or request to ITS telcom via the IT request system or via email to BE Facilities would also like to know about telephone problems, so you may also email

Typical VoIP Telephone Problems
VoIP phone not working - try unplugging the cable from the phone, wait about 10 seconds and then plug it back it. This causes the phone to reboot, which sometimes might clear up a problem.

VoIP phone is dropping parts of conversation - please email BE Facilities with phone number, location, date/time of call and whom you were speaking to.