Electrical Information


Electrical Plug Table 

Voltage Current type Name Notes
120 VAC 15 amp straight blade NEMA 5-15 Std grounded wall plug with straight shaped neutral hole
120 VAC 20 amp straight blade NEMA 5-20 Std grounded wall plug with T-shaped neutral hole
120 VAC 30 amp straight blade NEMA 5-30 Std grounded wall plug with L-shaped neutral
208 VAC 15 amp locking L6-15 wall plug with blades turned 90deg, (horizontal)
208 VAC 20 amp locking L6-20 blades turned 90deg, with T-shaped neutral hole
208 VAC 30 amp locking L6-30 blades turned 90deg, with L-shaped neutral hole

Generally BSOE specs NEMA 5-20 outlets for new construction when possible. NEMA 5-30 should be replaced with locking type plugs when used. Higher power, such as 208 VAC outlets should also be specified with locking type plugs when possible. Locking plugs give a higher degree of safety since it becomes harder to inadvertently pull the plug from the receptacle.



Straight Bladed 120 & 208/240 volt connectors

Electrical Plug Connections Wiring References

 Wikipedia NEMA Electrical Connector Info